Ohio Nutrient Education & Management
Governor's Executive Order
Ohio's New Agriculture Fertilizer Certification Requirements
Click here for a brochure summarizing certification requirements:
What fertilizer is included in the certification?: Fertilizer is any substance containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or other plant nutrient in a dry or liquid formulation. All application types (broadcast, side dress, sub-surface, knifing, etc.) are included in the certification requirement. The only application exempted is start-up fertilizers that are applied through a planter and manure. For this certification requirement, lime and limestone are not considered fertilizers.
Soil Fertility Factsheets, Bulletins and Tools
Visit https://go.osu.edu/fertilityresources to view OSU's AgCrops website. The materials on this website cover nutrient topics for soil fertility, row and forage crops, plus water quality concerns.
H2Ohio Program
Visit https://h2.ohio.gov/ to learn how the H2Ohio program can benefit you. Farmers can often save money on their fertility program by taking a critical field-by-field look at nutrient plans. Below is a list of the factsheets and tools available to you, including the Fertilizer Calculator tool. The tool can recommend Lime, P, and K needs for seven different crops grown in 21 fields (or zones).
Developing Nutrient Recommendations
Nutrient Management of Forage Crops Intended for Hay ANR-109-22
Developing Phosphorus and Potassium Recommendations for Field Crops (AGF-515-22)
- Tri-State Fertilizer Recommendations for Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, and Alfalfa, 2020 - available free pdf download or for purchase as a print publication.
- Fertilizer Calculator for Ohio (Version 2021) Excel Spreadsheet to calculate P, K and Lime Recommendations (New 2/1/2021)
ODA Releases Two New Nutrient Management Tools
The Ohio Applicator Forecast: an online tool used to help identify times when nutrient loss from a fertilizer or manure application will be minimal. By taking data from the National Weather Service, this tool can predict the potential for runoff to occur in an area. For more information, visit agri.ohio.gov/divs/plant/OhioApplicatorForecast/oaf.aspx
The Ohio Agricultural Stewardship Verification Program: This pilot program is a certification for farmers who protect farmland and natural resources by implementing best managment practices. Farmers in targeted watersheds in Henry and Wood Counties who apply and meet criteria developed by the ODA's Division of Soil and Water Conservation can be certified. Please visit your local Soil and Water Conservation District Office for more information.