Recordkeeping Requirements

Online Recordkeeping Now Available!


  • Name of the responsible agricultural fertilizer certificate holder (and name of applicator if different)
  • Date of application (month, day, and year)
  • Location or field identification number of fertilizer application area
  • Rate of application (e.g., pounds of fertilizer per acre)
  • Analysis of fertilizer applied (e.g., 11-52-0)
  • Application method (soil injected, incorporated, surface-applied, etc.)
  • Soil conditions at the time of application
  • Temperature, precipitation, and other weather conditions at the time of application
    • For surface applications only: was the ground frozen or snow-covered (yes/no)?
  • Weather forecast for the day following the application

Recordkeeping Templates - No Required Format

Click here for a record-keeping app for Ohio certified fertilizer application.

Click here for detailed instructions on how to use the fertilizer application.